Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Cougar on the Block

Today, as Ramsay and I were leaving the house, we look across the street and see 2 kids, about 18-20 yrs old, rummaging around the neighbor's yard. The neighbor in question is hot - in his mid-to-late 50's and has this cool old sports car in the driveway that he keeps covered most days and spends the weekend restoring. If I cared about the car I would know the make/model but I mainly spend those free-stare 5 seconds I get looking at him rather than the car whenever I see him bending over fixing the muffler or what have you. But I digress. So...these kids were wearing run of the mill jock jogging gear - loose shorts and t-shirts and were looking under the cover of the much loved sports car. One seemed to be doing the sketchy looking around under the car, over the fence, etc., part while the other was looking around the street like he was guilty of something. So I make sure they see me seeing them and progress to put Ramsay in the carseat. By the time I am backing out of the driveway - they are in another neighbors yard looking over the fence. Because I am from Oakland and also just not a very trusting person in the first place, I automatically assume they are doing something wrong/stupid. So I back out of the driveway and drive up to them and roll the window down and say "What are you guys doing?!" and one of the kids come up to the window and says "Looking for his cat!, She's missing!" And I remember my neighbor (not hot sports car guy but the other neighbor) just got a couple black and white cats and said they always escaped and were missing. This is not the first time I have seen them looking for the cats. I also remembered at that moment that they have a son who goes to UC Davis, so it was all clear. This must be The Son and The Son's Friend. So I then said to the kid, "Oh, OK! Well, you know you look pretty sketchy walking around like that!" And then he pulls up his t-shirt in a peek-a-b00 fashion, giving me the fruit of the loom tighty whity TMI, and says "Oh, THANKS!" with a big smile on his face. I drive away thinking, wow that is weird that he responded that way when I said he looked sketchy. How odd. That is really weird. What the DOH! And it hits me. He didn't think I said "WOW! You look Sketchy", he thought I said "WOW! You look SEXY"!
So now I am the new cougar on the block. Hello. I guess I can say goodbye to any friendship I may have formed with my neighbors! arg. oy.

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