Thursday, April 26, 2007

omg ww r0x0r$!!

OMG I am a crazy old lady and have joined Weight Watchers. I went to my first meeting last Thursday and i LOVE IT. and by love i mean love in all caps, shout it out loud LOVE!
I am doing the Flex point plan - whereby a secret calculation, only known by the highly skilled weight watcher mathemeticians, computes a personalized point profile depending on your age, activity level, and other very scientific stuff .
It ROCKS. You are given a book that tells you how many points almost every food item in the universe is and a little abacus type point-calculator device (PointsFinder) to use for items not in the "the book". For example, a fistful of cat cookies (1 serving = 15 cookies) is 2 points. 10 baby carrots = 0 points. You have to weigh in every week and if you want you can stay for the totally cheesed-out meeting. It is GREAT. OMG I LOVE the accountability of being weighed in. I LOVE how neurotic and anal I am about points and finding the best foods with the lowest point values. This rocks so fucking hard core! It's totally worth it. There is nothing about it I do not like.
There is even an inspiring exercise-point-calculator-device-thingie (PointsBooster) that computes how many points you have earned back by exercising. Of course this is also backed by some majorly complex mathematical algorithm that combines your intensity level, minutes of activity, and body weight to compute the final points value.

Hey, and if you have some extra time to see some cute Peeps in little Diarama scenes. Lookee here!!
Does anyone actually eat these things?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

ice cream cake!!

Yummy! I love ice cream cake. Isn't there something comforting about it? Memories of birthday parties. Rollerskates. Stuffed Animals. Streamers. Balloons. Hungry Hungry Hippos. Party Hats. Red Light Green Light. Ice Cream Cake!
Last night I was talking to Lamb about how yumm-a-lumm ice cream cake is and that is when he told me he has NEVER had ice cream cake before. EVER. NADA. strange little lamb!! Poor lamb! We must fix this situation. Pronto!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

oh no. Here we go.

And it begins..the slippery slope to reversing Roe v. Wade and all that women like Gloria Steinem (and many others) have done to fight for our rights as women. The implications of this are huge. And scary. This affects what rights you have now as a woman, and what the courts may do in the future to take them away.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Namesake

OMG you have to go see the movie The Namesake. It is soo good. I laughed and laughed and more importantly I cried and cried almost the entire time (yes, even when I was laughing). It was so emotional that I even wanted to cry an hour after it was over. yay! Meow! Kal Penn (from Harold & Kumar go to White Castle) plays his part so well. yay! crying! laughing! more crying! Go see it right now.
Here is a short description of the movie:
"The story of the Ganguli family whose move from Calcutta to New York evokes a lifelong balancing act to meld to a new world without forgetting the old. Though parents Ashoke and Ashima long for the family and culture that enveloped them in India, they take great pride in the opportunities their sacrifices have afforded their children."

Saturday, April 14, 2007

love plus one.

I found myself in the time-suck that is youtube thanks to reading my sister's blog and came upon this most wonderful video of haircut 100 singing Love Plus One! When i was 13 I was TOTALLY in love with this. YAY!

Friday, April 6, 2007

This is why i'm hot

Check out this translation of the rap/hip-hop song "this is why i'm hot". Funny?