Monday, December 8, 2008

electric vs electronic

I'd love to hear you explain to me the difference.  Please.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pudding Puh-Disappointment

I was craving chocolate and after a thorough search of all kitchen cabinets I found one packet of jello instant pudding. So guess what I did? I made jello instant pudding, with soy milk (we are not milk drinkers). But I am way sad because after an hour it is not getting all thick/pudding-like for some reason...I guess it needs some special enzyme that only milk has to do the magic that is pudding thickening? So now we have 4 (err...umm... 3...) servings of really thick chocolate stuffs...
Note to self [that i've written to self way too many times]: do not assume soy milk=cow milk in recipes.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bill O'Reilly on Youtube

I just received these links from my husband, Check out Bill O'Reilly on the set of Inside Edition. You will not be disappointed:

And the oh so necessary dance remix:

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I just reviewed 2 documents written by my boss. He likes to use the word utilize. I hate that word. It sucks. It's up there at the top of my 10 Most Hated Words list (right in between moist and compote). Why do people feel like they have to use it so much? It only makes them sound pretentious and stupid. I counted the number of occurrences of the word in each document (both docs were 8 pgs) and the average count was 13. Oy. My brain hurts.

Monday, April 28, 2008

freshwater snail enthusiast

I once had a frog. His name was Stefan. Stefan only lived for a couple of weeks or months or something. He was a light green freshwater frog that I had found during one of my jaunts to Walgreens. He came in a small, plastic hexagonal aquarium. And with Stefan, came a very small brown snail. I loved that snail. She was very, very teeny tiny, lived for over a year, and pretty much everyone who peered into the aquarium did not see her. She could be inching her way along the plastic, right in front of their noses and they would still think the aquarium was empty. She was there, but no one saw her. I'm sure most people would have thrown her out without a question or a thought when Stefan died. They wouldn't even have noticed her. But I became attached to that snail. More so to her, than I ever was to that frog. I loved her. Funny thing though, I don't even remember her name. I find it odd and a bit disconcerting that I remember Stefan's name but I can't remember the snails. It makes me a bit sad. I remember when she died. I found her on a plant leaf in the aquarium and she was on her side in a position that is very unnatural for a snail. I took her out of the aquarium and put her in a ziploc bag. With a sharpie I wrote her name on the baggie. I had plans to think of the perfect resting place for her. She was going to have the best ceremony and afterlife possible. Should I take her to the ocean? Big Sur? Santa Cruz? A secluded beach? Then I lost the baggie and never saw her again. Poor snail.
I'm thinking of getting another snail. But after that little memory maybe I should rethink it. But that was over 8 years ago and maybe things are different now?