Thursday, March 22, 2007

Birthday trip to bodega bay

Lamb suprised me with a fun trip to bodega bay for my birthday! It was super awesome and beautiful. We stayed at the bodega bay lodge & spa where we had a suite that had a fireplace and a nice view. It was mucho fun y cosas! On sunday we walked along the ocean's edge - the view was tot rad. But it was windy and cold which made me wish I was a fleece wearing subaru driver. Check out who we met while we were on our little walk. Cute!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Papa can you hear me?

This is an excerpt from an actual conversation I had yesterday at work:

Me: "Please do this very long list of things but anywhere it says "santa claus" just ignore it and go on to the next thing."

Human: "I was working on that list you sent me and there are all these "santa claus" items. I don't understand what I am suppose to be doing with them."

Me: "Ignore them. Pretend "santa claus" does not exist"

Human: "The items labeled "santa claus" seem to require additional information that I do not have. Who can I contact about this?"

Friday, March 16, 2007

the lamb that saved me from myself.

I hate tax time. Actually what I really hate is anytime I have a deadline to do anything that is not work-related. Because when it comes to work things, I am very responsible and dedicated and work wonderfully with things like projects and timelines. Really. But in my real life, I rebel from such things. Deadlines? What? Timelines? My idea of a timeline is getting something done whenever I get around to it. You know, that pile of mail by the front door - yeah, that's on my to-do list.
Then taxes come. Usually I wait around until the last possible day and then get really angry that I can't find anything necessary. The w-2s or w-4s or whatever they're called are missing or mis-placed, my taxes from last year are always lost (every year this is me: "you mean you have to keep those?") and whatever else I need is even harder to find. Then I scream and yell and get really angry and confused and then procrastinate over and over and finally the whole process is finished, but only after I have called 3 or 4 or 12 people to let them know how bad it all is.
This year is different. This year I am married. YAY! Married to a very responsible Lambatron who LOVES to do this stuff. He really likes it! And that is only one of a million-kajillion reasons that makes me soo very thankful and happy to have such a wonderful lamb. How did I luck out like this? My karma was so ON the day this Lamb came into my life. YAY FOR ME! What a great marriage perk - no more taxes. Taxes are totally invisible to me now. I love it. I love my lambatron 2000! meow!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Shootin' at the walls of heartache...Bang, bang.

Lamb's Uncle has season tickets to The Warriors and he couldn't go so he gave us the tickets. He is an ex-marine and hard to say no to, plus, we (correctly) thought it would be an interesting and new experience. The Warriors won. They were playing against The Denver Nuggets.
The entire production seemed not well organized and kind of low-budge. For instance while we were waiting for the the game to start and during the game intermissions and breaks, the band "Pride and Joy" would perform. But the sound was soo incredibly bad - sometimes the singers microphones would be on, sometimes off, you could barely here the musicians instruments compared to the singers (when the microphones worked), etc. Tres Low-Budge. The beer was over over-priced. Much more expensy than at a Sharks game. $7 -$8 for a Small to $8 - over $10 for a large. HELLO!! Food was over-priced but not really any more so than expected. And the ticket price. Outrageous! We were in section 120, good seats, and our suggested ticket price was $65. Whoa! And the Warriors wonder why their fan base is shrinking.
You know how when you go to a Sharks game and in the beginning they have a little show and the lights dim and that huge inflated shark goes on the ice and then dry ice "smoke" starts coming out of its mouth and then BAM! Start the loud rock music! And the players appear, skating out of the shark mouth into the smoke as they announce them one by one. Now THAT is dramatic and totally worth the entire game. Plus you get to see fights and stuff.

Ok, back to The Warriors game. The field or court or whatever you call it seemed way smaller than I thought it would be. Pre-Game the players were out practicing and stretching. Some players were on the floor stretching in the exact same position an infant takes when you change it's diaper. Strike a pose - Vogue.
The cheerleaders tried to get us pumped up but I am very sorry to say that they sucked. I mean, yes, they are hot and I know that is part of their job, but the other part - the "entertain" part was Terrible. Hugely Not Good. For the most part they just jumped up and down with their pom-poms like the junior varisty cheerleaders in high school. They had 2 outfit changes and 2 very short (I use the following term very loosely) "dance perfomances". OK - so I don't mean to be too hard on them - but if my J.O.B. is to look hot AND be a part of a dance group, I would work just as hard on the being hot part as the dancing part. They really lack the dancing part. They weren't really moving at the same time when they should have and lots of them were off-time (but not sharing the same off-time). It was like they had just learned the routine 5 minutes ago. Let's just say they shouldn't rush to the auditions for So You Think You Can Dance anytime soon.
The game finally began after a very uneventful dimmed-lights, loud music, attempt to get us excited. (They should take some hints from The Sharks pre-game producer) It was odd - one minute the lights were dark and they were announcing the players and then 2 seconds later they were playing the game. This confused me. The game itself was OK. Before the game started they interrupted Pride and Joy to tell us that if The Warrors scored 100+ Points in this game everyone would get a Free hamburger from McDonalds. Scott was uber excited about the potential for free food.

There was a kid about 4 years old located 2 rows in front of us who kept yelling "Defense, Defense" as his mother stuffed cheese pizza and then later, Dreyers Ice Cream Dibs, into his mouth to shut him up. But he had a good point. The Warriors have the suckiest Defense I have ever seen. And we all know, when you want a kid to shut up and calm down, the best medicine is MORE SUGAR.
Some would say The Warriors actually won the game because they had the highest score. But it could be argued that McDonalds won that night because right when The Warriors scored 100 points, over half of the audience got up and left. What's the perfect ending to a Low-Budget Basketball game?? A late-nite free hamburger from McDonalds! yummmi.