Tuesday, September 29, 2009

i heart art

I just purchased the most awesome piece of art ever. Have you ever had that feeling where you just LOVE to look at something? It makes you happy! It makes you soo blissed out? That is how I feel when I look at this piece of art. I love it. I love looking at it. I love that it is in my dining room. I especially love that my friend Lyn is the artist who made it. How cool is that? She rocks! You have to come look at it. It is so awesome.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Skirts. Skorts. And everywhere in between.

I love skirts. Dresses, in particular, are my favorite. Have you noticed when you wear a skirt you have to sit differently than if you have on jeans or shorts. You have to be aware of what your legs are doing at all times. I think this comes naturally to people who are inclined to wear skirts and dresses. Oh hey! Remember the skort? At least a viewer was aware that it was just a peekaboo short when they viewed the back. It was like garment mullet, instead of party in the back, business in the front, it was shorts in the back, skirt in the front. But I digress.
I was very unlucky this last weekend to be in the company of woman wearing what I thought was a short skirt. It was very shocking when she sat down on the floor, cross-legged - I thought What??!! and my eyes thought Where Do I Look!!! Not unlike the moment when someone is in front of you with lots of cleavage. Oh wait, did I mention this woman is in her 50's? Yes. So then her daughter says "MOM! Does that skirt have shorts sewn into them? Why are you sitting like that?!" And I say "You must remember, only YOU know there are shorts under that skirt!".

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

peace and quiet

This just happened:
Me: Do you hear that car alarm? It's loud!
Scott: *weird look*
Me: Listen!
Scott: It's Crickets...
Me: Doh!!

***Later that night***

I wake up and hear a noise, like maybe my cell phone needs to be charged? Or no, wait! It must be an alarm going off in the living room. What is it?
DOH! It's crickets....again!

Hours later, probably around 3am.
Phig and I wake up to a scratch at the bedroom french doors (we have no curtains yet). I look outside and see a small cat running around out back. I say to Scott in a sleepy grumble "Get that baby cat! It's all alone out there!" Scott wakes up, confused, looks outside and says "That's a skunk!" And we both clamber around to grab Phig before he freaks out the baby skunk.