Thursday, April 26, 2007

omg ww r0x0r$!!

OMG I am a crazy old lady and have joined Weight Watchers. I went to my first meeting last Thursday and i LOVE IT. and by love i mean love in all caps, shout it out loud LOVE!
I am doing the Flex point plan - whereby a secret calculation, only known by the highly skilled weight watcher mathemeticians, computes a personalized point profile depending on your age, activity level, and other very scientific stuff .
It ROCKS. You are given a book that tells you how many points almost every food item in the universe is and a little abacus type point-calculator device (PointsFinder) to use for items not in the "the book". For example, a fistful of cat cookies (1 serving = 15 cookies) is 2 points. 10 baby carrots = 0 points. You have to weigh in every week and if you want you can stay for the totally cheesed-out meeting. It is GREAT. OMG I LOVE the accountability of being weighed in. I LOVE how neurotic and anal I am about points and finding the best foods with the lowest point values. This rocks so fucking hard core! It's totally worth it. There is nothing about it I do not like.
There is even an inspiring exercise-point-calculator-device-thingie (PointsBooster) that computes how many points you have earned back by exercising. Of course this is also backed by some majorly complex mathematical algorithm that combines your intensity level, minutes of activity, and body weight to compute the final points value.

Hey, and if you have some extra time to see some cute Peeps in little Diarama scenes. Lookee here!!
Does anyone actually eat these things?

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